If you find it difficult and expensive to navigate through all the decisions normally related to the implementation of RFID- or sensor technology and are looking for a future-proof solution, the Resource Visibility Server is what you are looking for. These are some of the advantages:
- HW/protocol independent, supports passive/active, hybrid tags and sensors from many suppliers
- Delivers information to any erp-system.
- Accessible anywhere over Internet.
- Supports resource-, reader-, information- and time-based privacy control.
- Captures data continuously and stores it in a central repository, enabling both real-time events to your erp-system and historical queries and analysis.
- Lets you retrieve data ad-hoc at anytime
Depending on the type of resources to be handled, they can be defined in custom structures or according to a standard such as GS1.
Readers and sensors adhere sometimes to standards and others provide proprietary interfaces. In any case the Resource Visibility Server contains an adapter framework which enables easy integration.
The basic spatial question is where? but the Resource Visibility Server can answer many other spatially related questions, such as; how many is within...? for how long have they been...? are they at the same location...? etc.
reader- and sensor provided functions
The Resource Visibility Server provides both generic functions that enables e.g. counting, and functions that are unique to the readers and sensors that it retrieves data from e.g. temperature data.
Time-frames are definitions which limits the access or retrieval of information when it is consumed by other systems.
Information can either be retrieved on ad-hoc basis from other systems or subscriptions can be defined and added to accounts. Events can actively trigger the distribution of information to subscribers, when certain criteria are met.
Information collected by the Resource Visibility Server can be shared with trusted parties of your choice for limited or unlimited periods of time.
The access to data is limited to the limited to the readers and sensors in your posession. Other subscribers can, with your active consent access such data with a number of different limitations.
Data is transferred from readers to the Resource Visibility Server in encrypted format and certificates are used to identify sender and receiver.
Application examples
“Since I tagged my resources with RFID-tags and connected my readers to the Resource Visibility ServerI saved approximately five hours a week of manual inventorying. I also spend less time worrying about late returns since I can follow in- and outbound deliveries in real-time on Internet and can take action in time.”
-John Smith, Rental Manager