Resource Visibility - made easy!

Keeping track of your resources
The location and state of the resources in your organisation, whether it be assets or people, within production, logistics or eleswhere is critical to the success of your business. Knowing exactly where they are, all the time, will give you a competitive advantage

What we do

Fully automated identification, positioning or sensoring of every resource in your production, logistics or other processes is what drives us.
How can you benefit?

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Services overview

Independent service platform

Device agnostic - supports any device

ERP-systems integration package

About us

Sensory Systems is a pioneer in connecting the rapidly increasing number of reader and sensor technologies into one high level retrieval-point for business systems and new breeds of applications.

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Events & Updates

Posted on 21 July 10
New version of RVS-player released

Posted on 20 June 10
Active RFID from Free to Move integrated

Posted on 24 May 10
GPS-data collection now supported.




“Since I tagged my resources with RFID-tags and connected my readers to VantagePoint I saved approximately five hours a week of manual inventorying. I also spend less time worrying about late returns since I can follow in- and outbound deliveries in real-time on Internet and can take action in time.”

-John Smith, Rental Manager

Welcome to our company


Our mission is to make it as simple to start tracing your Resources as plugging in a new lamp in your office.

Through our platform you can distribute that information selectively to any member of your organization, to any enterprise, Enterprise Resource Planning system and to any of your business patrtners, suppliers or customers.
There is a lot to know about your resources that will make a difference on the bottom line of your business. Where are they? Are they moving or not? Where are they heading? What is the temperature? These and thousands of other questions can be answered when you connect to our VantagePoint-server. Knowing about your resources in real time is a major competitive advantage. Connect your things now!

Featured Services

The core of our service offering is our Resource Visibility Server. It supports retrieval of data from numerous RFID and sensor hardware products, contains a large library of both spatial and other functions and API's to feed existing systems with business level information about your resources.



- Import or create structures of your resources

- Map your resources from world level down to site, factory, warehouse and office-level

- Retrieve information from your ERP or other systems at any time

- Let the Resource Visibility Server alert you when predefined events occur

- Define rules of access to information based on selections of resources, where they are, a period in time or other criteria such as access levels in RFID-tags
